About Xenturion
We spend quality time with you!
Xenturion is a progressive, multi-disciplined project management company that have the skill, focus and discipline to ensure your projects are not only completed safely, on time and within budget but fully achieve their intended purpose. The key of the services that are delivered is that we transfer our knowledge to our customers with a focus on inherent quality and pragmatism.
The need to ‘do what you say you will do’ is essential to everyone at Xenturion. A cultural fit with ourselves and our clients is essential – a lack of politics and mutual trust/respect for each other’s skills & experience are the solid foundations for success. Trust is a key element of all we do.
Our core business involves all elements of a project lifecycle from feasibility studies through to full turnkey project completion.
Over 25 years of experience
Xenturion already exists for more than twenty five years and its founder Didier Brackx established this organization to support divers organization in their project management activities. These activities are situated in the area of: Petrochemical industry, Pharmaceutical industry, Energy, ICT, Public sector, Retail, Transport and building Industry, Banc and Finance and Telecom industry.
Xenturion helps organizations in improving the project management competencies in the customer organization. These competencies must most commonly be improved in all levels. The Senior Management level should learn how to direct and influence a project with respect of the project management processes. The Project Managers should learn how to establish a project culture and manage projects reliably. Project Managers should also learn how they can manage the relationship with the Customer, Senior Management and with their Project Team.
Are your projects delivered on time?
Providing expert advice from day one
Setting clear objectives and a defined scope
Supplying crucial resources where and when required
Using a structured process for managing risk
The tight control of budgets
Management of communications and supply chain relationships
Deliver the project completed, on time, on budget as originally intended
Performance measurement through key performance indicators
Our vision & mission
Our customers have the right to receive the best service offering ever been given to them in the field of Project Management. They can count on that. Our mission is to provide project management consultancy services and offering superior training courses for organizations who stribes outstanding quality. The mission will be developed, integrated and wanted on each level of our services delivery organization. No deviations of this outstanding quality offering will be tolerated